VCAT Residential Tenancies Hub
Frequently Asked Questions
Here are the answers to some common getting-started questions.
- Can I still lodge my application in the old way?
- Will it cost me anything to use VCAT Residential Tenancies Hub?
- What sort of software and Internet PC do I need to use for VCAT Residential Tenancies Hub?
- Do I have to enter an agreement with VCAT before using VCAT Residential Tenancies Hub?
- Why do I have to open a bank account to use VCAT Residential Tenancies Hub?
- Do I have to open a separate bank account?
- Is my data secure?
- Can anyone else see my data?
- What happens if I forget my password?
- Should I change my password if an employee leaves my organisation?
- How will I know what fees have been taken out of my account?
- My organisation has several offices for which I am responsible. Can I nominate just one bank account and see all the transactions for each office?
- What will happen if my application is not automatically scheduled for hearing?
- What can I do if my application must be accompanied by other documents?
- How long is the Notice information held on VCAT Residential Tenancies Hub?